
Fine Proposed at NY Nuclear

AP-Fine Proposed at NY Nuclear PlantThursday January 24, 5:15 pm ET
Regulators Propose Fine Over Indian Point Siren System in Upstate NY
BUCHANAN, N.Y. (AP) -- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a notice of violation and proposed a $650,000 fine Thursday over Entergy's failure to implement new siren system for the Indian Point nuclear power plant.
"The NRC will consider additional enforcement in the future if Entergy does not resolve the issues and make their new (emergency notification system) operable in a timely manner," said Luise Reyes, the agency's executive director for operations.

Robyn Bentley, a spokeswoman for Entergy, which operates the plant in Westchester County, said the company will respond to the NRC's order within the mandated 30 days. She added that public health and safety are not in jeopardy.

The NRC ordered Entergy on July 30 to complete installation and testing of a new siren system and to obtain approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency prior to an Aug. 24 deadline.

In an Aug. 23 letter, Entergy wrote that it had completed all tests required by the NRC's order but had not obtained FEMA approval.

This failure to meet the order prompted the NRC to begin its process to determine the appropriate enforcement action against Entergy. The system still has not obtained FEMA approval.

The plant's existing siren system remains operable to alert the public in the event of a radiological emergency.